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Lighting in Interviews | PPT

Lighting in interviews is a crucial aspect of the hiring process. It’s not just about the questions you ask, but also about how you ask them. A well-lit room can make a huge difference in the way candidates respond to your queries.

Lighting in interviews is a crucial aspect of the hiring process. It’s not just about the questions you ask, but also about how you ask them. A well-lit room can make a huge difference in the way candidates respond to your queries.

When it comes to lighting, most people think about the type of light bulbs used or the number of lamps in the room. However, there’s more to it than that. The direction, intensity, and color of the light can all impact the way candidates perceive the interview.

Direction of Light

The direction of the light can greatly affect the way candidates respond to your questions. For instance, if the light is coming from directly above, it can create a sense of unease or discomfort. On the other hand, if the light is coming from the side, it can create a sense of calmness.

Intensity of Light

The intensity of the light is also crucial. If the light is too bright, it can be overwhelming and make candidates feel anxious. On the other hand, if the light is too dim, it can be difficult for candidates to see and respond to your questions.

Color of Light

The color of the light can also impact the way candidates respond to your questions. For instance, warm colors like orange or yellow can create a sense of comfort and relaxation, while cool colors like blue or green can create a sense of calmness.

It’s not just about the physical environment, but also about the psychological impact it has on candidates.


In conclusion, lighting in interviews is a crucial aspect of the hiring process. It’s not just about the questions you ask, but also about how you ask them. By paying attention to the direction, intensity, and color of the light, you can create a more comfortable and conducive environment for candidates to respond to your questions.

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